The Annual Mommy + Me Retreat

Our Story:

One random day in late October, I decided I wanted to have a Mommy + Me Retreat. I presented it to my husband and he was down. (Per usual) I sent out a flyer to a few of my closest friends with absolutely no plan. I just knew I was having an event not just for moms, but our children also.  

The purpose of the Mommy + Me Retreat is to strengthen relationships with children and their mothers, connect moms, and to build a worldwide support system. Growing up not having a relationship with either of my parents has made my relationship with Ryann so much more important. I truly feel like God gave me the life I had as a child just so motherhood would be even more special. Having a healthy relationship with my children is something I value but instilling the importance into other parents, is equally as vital.

When I decided to create this event, this is exactly what I had in mind. The ability to connect with and learn from others mothers, while our children are present. Imagine taking a trip to Greece and having a Mommy + Me duo to connect with? Right! That’s exactly what the Mommy + Me Retreat is all about. Being able to have a support system all around the world, from mothers who you can relate to and have children to grow up with yours.

Mommy + ME 2020

The first Mommy + Me Retreat was amazing and exactly what I wanted. I invited some of my closest friends and family. Next year and every year after, will be open to all moms around the world.

After the retreat I realized I did not take as many photos as I would like. But! I’m pretty sure it’s because we had so much fun. Lol! Feel free to visit my instagram page to check out my IGTV recap video from the retreat.

I would like to say thank you to all of our sponsors: Palmers, Coola, Positively Pure, Margaret Lilly & Co., Curls, Canary Beauty, Simplistic Creations, Peco Baby, All Generation Designs, MomE Planner, and Successful Black Parenting.

If you would like to be a sponsor for the 2020 Mommy + Me retreat OR provide a service (mommy + me yoga, facials, massages, an activity for mommy + me duos) please send me an email at:!

And for the moment you all have been waiting for… The Annual Mommy + Me Retreat will be hosted in Philadelphia, PA in 2021! Exact details are not available yet however, I’m hoping to have tickets available this spring/summer with more information.

If you would like to join my online digital support group for moms, please subscribe to my blog here! All members of the group will have VIP access to all of our upcoming events.

Thank you all for your continued support and I cannot wait to share more events with you!





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