


Athens, Greece: Travel Guide

We took our very first family trip this summer and it was Ryann’s first time out of the country! In two weeks, we spent time visiting Greece, Italy, and France. This specific post is all about Athens, Greece! TRAVEL TIPS: Before leaving, it is a good idea to look over where you are staying and try to find the best transportation to and from the airport. Als[...]


Long Vacation with/without Baby: What to Pack

We’re heading on our first family vacation and will be visiting 3 different countries for 2 weeks! Packing for baby, yourself, AND making sure your partner and house is together, is a lot. Lol! I am the biggest procrastinator when it comes to packing but this time, I decided to get my stuff together early! I put this blog post together to share how I packed our bel[...]


When in Italy | Annual Friends Trip

WARNING: Brace yourself, 2 days in Rome, 4 days in Sorrento - this is VERY informational and LONG! But I promise it's worth it. Ciao! Another year, another Annual friends/family trip with my best frands! (And this time, my husband came along so it was double the fun!) If you haven’t done so already, check out last year’s trip to Barcelona, Spain. So, I have[...]


Barcelona, Spain: Annual Friends Trip

Annual Framily Trip: #BabyBumpin’InBarcelona (I came up with this hashtag when I was 2 seconds pregnant. I was so hype I would be 5 months with a bump by the time we went on the trip LOL) My best friends came up with the idea of doing an annual trip after they went to Amsterdam in 2017. We decided on Barcelona, Spain for year two!  At first I was nervous because I[...]