Has anyone else been paranoid about going to public places with their kids? I know I have! I think what makes me most nervous is the fact that Ryann is too young to understand what COVID is. She’s carefree and does not enjoy being told that she can’t run around or do things kids love to do. I’m always freaked out that she might touch the wrong thing or of anything happening. But I also know how much she enjoys going outside and “shopping”. That’s her new thing. Lol! Since she’s no longer in school, I try to find ways to get out as much as I can with her.
As you all know, we are moving soon. This week the movers came so we thought it would be best to get Ryann out of the house. So, I took her to see Baby Shark! (the aquarium that is lol) I tried to think of all the ways I could be prepared but 2 years later, I still have pregnancy brain. I’m pretty sure I forgot something so if you have some advice for being out during the pandemic with your kids, please comment below!
How I prepared:
We would be traveling 45 minutes away from home, so I wanted to make sure I packed everything I needed. Pampers, wipes, snacks, her tablet, and lots of hand sanitizer. I also made sure I had her bigger stroller because I thought if it got too crowded or I felt uncomfortable, it would be easy for me to put her in her stroller and get out. Additionally, I didn’t know how big the aquarium was so I wanted to make sure she had options in case she didn’t want to walk the entire time.
I tried to think of as many things that I thought about before and during the trip that worked for us. Of course you don’t have to follow any of them but I did want to share in case you’re planning to take your child(ren) out soon!
Tips for Trip:
Avoid touching things and use hand sanitizer after everything you must touch. Opening doors, items you’re looking at buying, literally everything.
Sanitize items you and your kids use often. Wipe down their tablets, the stroller, your phone, camera, your stirring wheel anything you’re using frequently.
Stay away from people who does not seem to care about being in others space. I know this may sound like a bit much but, being in the aquarium I lowkey had anxiety seeing how some people did not care to be as close as they were. A few times I just passed by areas and didn’t even go see certain things because I did not feel comfortable being that close to people.
Visit places that are open/outside and allows for social distancing.
If you do not feel safe, leave. I know that sounds simple and like “duh” but as a mom, sometimes it’s hard seeing Ryann cry or be upset when she’s having a great time and we have to leave. She’s too young for me to explain exactly what’s going on but at the end of the day, her safety means so much more.
And as much as I dislike wearing them, make sure you bring and wear your mask while you’re indoors! While I know they suggest it for kids 2 years old and up, we do not force Ryann to wear a mask. She still doesn’t understand what they are and doesn’t feel comfortable in them. However, every parent has their own way of doing things so as I always say, do what works for YOU.
How did our trip go?
Chile, this girl was scared of just about everything. We had a full turn up session to Baby Shark and she got in there and said, “Mommy I wanna go home!” the minute she saw the sharks. LOL! Check out our latest Youtube video to see our trip of her first time at the aquarium.
I tried to think of all the ways I could be prepared but 2 years later, I still have pregnancy brain. I’m pretty sure I forgot something so if you have some advice for being out during the pandemic with your kids, please comment below!
Until next time,