Cheap Holiday Activities w/ Kids

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

It’s always been a bit depressing this time of year for me. As an adult, I was never too into the holidays because it reminded me of family, and mine never really did much together. Usually, I would be deciding whose house I’d be spending the holidays with. Although last year was technically Ryann’s first Christmas, this year is a bit more special now that she’s walking and able to do more. I’m so excited to start building my own family traditions and one thing I will always enjoy is cheap holiday activities. So, here’s a few ideas to do with your own family!

 List of Activities:

  • Build Gingerbread Houses – Last year was the first time I ever made a Gingerbread house. Ryann was 3 months at the time so making it this year was much more fun. She wasn’t as interested as I thought she would be so I’m hoping next year it will be even more exciting. I bought the houses both years from Michaels for under. $9. There also some available at Target, Amazon, and pretty much everywhere. Lol!

Look how small she was last year compared to this year! Time really does fly!

  • Bake:  Although I haven’t figured out exactly what it is I want to do yet, I know that I want to add some kind of baking tradition. This will require my husband because I am not the baking type. As of now, I am sold on trying an Apple pie from scratch but we shall see. Anywho, I think a great activity is to get the babies involved. Obviously making sure that everyone is safe and the parents do the putting things in the oven and stove part.
  • Christmas Lights: Christmas lights- Find a neighborhood with big houses (if you don’t already live in one) and point out your favorite decorations. I think this is a great idea for all ages! Although smaller children can’t necessarily say “this one is my favorite” they can still point in the direction of what they’re seeing. Additionally, you can point to show them as well. Let’s not forget, this is completely FREE!
  • Decorate: As Ryann gets older, I’m sure this is another activity we all will enjoy doing together. This year we got our very first tree and she actually helped me decorate it. Of course, she kept (and still does) taking the ornaments off the tree, running away with them, but kids will be kids. Lol! I can’t wait until she’s old enough to pick out the colors/ornaments.

Make your own Ornaments:

Baby Mushroom DIY Christmas Ornaments

Creativity For Kids Sparkling 3D Wonder Paint Kit

Bucilla Sparkle Snowflake Ornament Kit

  • Ice Skating: Of course, we won’t go this year because Ryann is too small but, for those of you with older children or no children, it’s a great idea! Most times there’s ice skating at certain places in town during this time of the year.
  • Vision boards: Start planning your new year! Joel and I usually create vision boards or at least discuss and talk about the goals we want to accomplish and work on for the follow year. I think this is a great tradition to start with children. Putting it on paper and creating a board to look at throughout the year will allow you both to revisit goals and talk about how they’re feeling or if they are in progress to achieve them. This will take a few years for smaller children but it’s still a fun activity to do with your loved ones.

Check out my holiday playlist to get into the mood while doing these activities!

These are just a few I have in mind and will probably continue to add on to. Are there any family traditions you’re creating or cheap holiday activities you usually do with your loved ones? I would love to know, so comment below!

xo, Kenniqua



  • Christine Glover
    December 12, 2019

    I am so proud of you, this is great.

    December 12, 2019


  • Kelondra Brackins
    December 12, 2019

    These are really good ideas! Thanks so much for sharing!

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