“I had a baby so I can’t…” Pause; Imma head out.

“EveRy ThINg ChANGes AfTEr HaVINg a BaBY”

How many times have you heard this? Well, it is true… to a certain extent. When I first had Ryann (up until now honestly) I’ve put things that I love to do to the side thinking I can no longer do them. Brunch being one of them. I don’t know how many times I’ve told you all that our THING (Joel and I) was brunch before we had Ryann. This past weekend my best friends came down to celebrate Joel’s birthday. We went to brunch and guess who was right there with us? Ryann! 

As a woman with a husband, a kid, a full time job, a side hustle, a business, whew chillay… it’s hard to even encourage myself to do those things I used to do before having a baby. But, we have to! You can’t live to make anyone happy if you’re not happy or doing the things you genuinely love! So, the next time you get in that mindset, think about these few things and gone head and head out!

Tips/Things to Remember:

  • You are still living for you! – Your happiness is a priority. You can’t make your kid happy if you’re not enjoying your own life.
  • Wake up one day and just get dressed! – I know when I look good, I feel good, and then I want to go out and take pictures. Ha! Maybe that can be the force you need to simply get out of the house!
  • Start over! – Maybe now that you have a kid, you no longer enjoy doing the things you once did. (I can relate – there’s a few things I’m just not into anymore) So, start with a list of things you want to try and see where that takes you! Explore those things with your baby, your husband, alone, whatever makes it the best experience.
  • Look at old pictures! – Do you see how happy you were/felt in those moments? Remember it and do it!

Have you thought about what makes you happy lately? If your answer is no, then this post is for you! It’s important for us to have check ins. We check in on others all the time and even if we have someone checking in on us, we have to do it ourselves as well. We are the only ones who truly know how we feel. So yeah, ditch the baby if you have to or simply take him/her with you. But the key to life (besides money, power, and respect – haha) is to live.

How are you living if you’re not enjoying the things that make you most happy?

Answer that question for yourself, reevaluate if need be, and proceed to happiness.

Until next time,

xo Kenniqua


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