Paris, France: Travel Guide

When I started preparing to write this post, I realized I must’ve been over trying to caption moments and instead enjoyed more time with my family. I do not have any food pictures (and we ate some good food here too lol) and I just overall do not have as much as I do in my Athens, Greece and Venice, Italy blog posts. If you haven’t already, make sure you check out those two blog posts to see how we started off our trip! Anywho, here’s a summary of the last part of our trip in Paris, France.




Super short flight from Venice, Italy. It felt like we went up and came right back down. As I mentioned in my previous post, we had to get on a shuttle at the gate to get to the actual plane as well. We flew EasyJet and this was my first time flying with them. The flight wasn’t bad at all. (But once again it was a super short – about an hour and half flight so I’m not sure how it would have been on a longer flight) We decided to go to Paris because it was a lot cheaper to fly back to Jersey from instead of going to Milan.

CHARLES DE GAULLE AIRPORT: The airport was a decent size and simple to get around. We brought tickets from a kiosk because it was hard to find someone who spoke English. At first we were a bit nervous because we did not know which ticket to buy for sure but we ended up getting a ticket into Paris. The tickets cost between 10 and 15 EUROS per person each way.


Ahhh, so this was our least favorite part of the trip. We were not fans of the Airbnb. Lol! Although we were in a great location, staying in Paris with no AC in the month of August was a bit much. (HOT!) My suggestion is to find a place with AC (which is really rare to find) OR try traveling during a cooler time. The Airbnb was also a lot smaller than where we stayed in Athens and Venice so I think we were a bit spoiled before we got there. Lol! But, to be fair, before traveling to Paris, I did read that hotels and lodging accommodations are pretty small.


As stated in the previous section, we stayed in a great location so we were able to walk to pretty much everything. We were a block away from many restaurants, bars, and we were walking distance from the Lourve Musuem. We did take the train to the Eiffel Tower and it was pretty simple. The train signs were easy to read and follow to get around. We ended up buying a pack of 10 tickets because it was cheaper so make sure you look into different options if you know you’ll be using the train throughout your trip. The trains were a bit stuffy because there was no AC and we were traveling on a work day so there were lots of people on the trains.


  • Be careful with getting directions from certain people who are on the train because we had this young lady “help us” and later found out she just wanted money. (She was very upset with us when we did not give her anything too lol)
  • If traveling around with a baby, definitely prepare yourself with a convenient travel stroller (you can find what I used in this post) because getting on and off the trains were a lot and I could not imagine doing it without the stroller that we had.


  • Visit the Louvre Museum: We didn’t end up going inside but I definitely will next time. I believe the cost was about 30 EUROS. (But don’t quote me lol) Since we didn’t prepare for it, we visited the area which was just as beautiful. Being there during the day and at night, was a great experience. I showed it in our “Ryann’s 1st International Trip” vlog on our Youtube channel. Be sure to check it out!
  • Eiffel Tower: Well duh. You can’t visit Paris without seeing it!
  • Get lost in exploring: Not lost to where you can’t be found of course. Lol! But walking around and seeing what you run into was really cool. We came across this cool area that we still have no idea what it was lol and it was cool to find our way back. There are so many nice buildings in Paris and walking around the neighborhoods was really enjoyable.
  • Boneshaker Doughnuts: I had no idea what these were until my husband mentioned them. Apparently they are “must eat” donuts while you’re there and so we did. I have to say my doughnut was pretty delicious! I got a cinnamon sugar one and it was simple and delicious. So yes, it made it to my must see/do list as well. Lol!


Although I don’t have any food pictures, I will share some types of foods we ate. We had Thai, a burger spot called Burgers & Fries (I had a “vegetarian burger” and it was made with onion rings. It was so good!), Indian, Mexican, so much that I can’t think of it all. But! One of my favorite spots was this place called Riha Durum. It was sandwich place and their vegetarian sandwich was THE best!

My favorite moments in Paris were literally the quality time I spent with my family. Seeing how happy Ryann was as she walked around was an amazing experience. My husband, brother in law, and I also got a chance to go to a hookah bar during the day and visit a bar that was 100+ years old. I would definitely visit Paris again to experience the real night life.

I hope you all enjoy my Europe series blog posts and feel free to ask any questions you may have!

As always, share, comment, like and subscribe!

Until next time,

xo Kenniqua



    September 20, 2019


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