After getting home from Italy, my milk supply decrease drastically. I started supplemented but Ryann’s stomach did not react well to the formula so I had to keep trying things to get my milk supply back up. I started looking up different things that work and a few people told me how oatmeal really helped them. I thought that if I did overnight oats and added brewers yeast (another ingredient that is supposed to help with increasing your milk supply), it would be a great idea since it would have oats AND brewers yeast.
So, I’ve shared the recipe below with a video walking you step by step! If you’re not a breastfeeding mom, it’s still still an awesome on the go breakfast! (Just leave out the brewers yeast) I actually starting making these before I got pregnant and when I first stopped drinking cow’s milk.
First thing you’ll need to do is get a mason jar (if you don’t already have one). The size depends on how much you eat/want!
Warning: Be careful with the amount of brewers yeast you use because too much of it will give it a “beer-like” taste. And I’m sure it’s not the greatest combination. Lol!
- 1 cup of Almond milk
- 1/2 to 1 cup of quick 1 minute oats
- 1 silk yogurt (5.3oz)
- 1/2 cup of strawberries (or whatever fruit you like)
- 1 banana
- 1 teaspoon of brewers yeast
- 1 tablespoon of honey
- Chia seeds (to sprinkle on the top)
Note: Keep in mind, you can use any kind of fruit with this recipe. My personal favorite is strawberry banana however, you can switch out the fruit and keep everything else the same.
- Pour the oats, milk, yogurt, brewers yeast, fruit, honey, and chia seeds (unless you prefer to do them in the morning), into the mason jar. Don’t add the banana until the morning of!
- Take your spoon and mix all of the ingredients together. Be sure that it is a milky consistency as it gets thicker overnight. *Add more milk and oats as needed*
- Put the mason jar in the refrigerator overnight and enjoy it in the morning after adding your banana!
Note: You can also add nuts, hemp seeds, coconut, or any other toppings that interest you!
Step by Step Video
I hope you all enjoy this easy grab and go breakfast. As always, like, share, and comment with any questions you may have!
Thank you Lansinoh for sponsoring this blog post!