A lot of mamas asked what I do to increase my milk supply and although every mommy is different, I figured I would share with you all some things I’ve been doing. I usually do a bunch of research to see what worked for others and try them to see if they work for me too. Below is a list of what seems to be working!
1. Brewer’s Yeast. I got mine from GNC however, it’s sold at vitamin stores and Amazon too. Of course, it doesn’t taste good by itself so it’s best to put it into a smoothie, cookies, or something you like to eat/drink. Brewer’s Yeast is also (obviously?) alcoholic and non-alcoholic beers as well. However, if you decide to have a beer, you should monitor when you plan to feed your baby to make sure the alcohol is not in your system. DISCLAIMER: Apparently alcohol can cause a decrease in your milk supply so I am not too sure how it works and would do some hardcore research if you decide to try this.
2. Water. Drinking LOTS (I’m talking a gallon a day) of water! #W2WWaterChallenge coming soon!
3. Power Pumping. One day I was pumping, and I was so busy on my phone that I didn’t realize how long I had been pumping for. (It had to be for about 25 minutes) My milk started coming out a lot more after a while so I started pumping longer to see if it would happen again. It did! So now I try to pump for as long as I can. Sometimes I’ll turn the pump off for about 2 to 3 minutes and start it back up. It also helps if I hand express after a while as well.
4. Pumping early in the morning. (The earlier, the better) Going back to #3 and pumping as long as you can. I try to get up as early as possible so I know that I can go back to sleep lol and won’t have to feed Ry immediately after I finish.
5. Don’t Stress! It may sound simple but it’s not. I’ve found that not stressing about my milk supply, has definitely helped! When I’m more positive and instead of being upset, try new things, things are a lot better! (I’m pretty sure this is how all things in life are, right?)
6. Gatorade. It may sound weird but someone told me about this and I tried it, researched it, and found out it’s worked for a lot of other mamas too.
7. Oatmeal. This is another ingredient I was told about from a friend. So, when making the smoothies with brewer’s yeast, it helped a double time. (Oatmeal + Brewer’s Yeast).
There’s a ton of things that could help. (Or you could try at least) Knowing what a decrease in milk supply first and foremost is important. I remember thinking that because I wasn’t getting as much milk as I did before, I was losing my milk. But that wasn’t the case. Apparently, it’s normal to not produce as much milk after a while. If your baby is constantly eating, gaining weight, and happy, you should be fine. Obviously, speaking with a lactation specialist is the best advice I can give. But what you may be going through could be completely normal. So, I suggest just trying out a few things first. Last thing, I have been drinking Mother’s Milk tea here and there and when I have, it helped too!
Here’s a Lactation breakfast to try. It’s Overnight Oats with Brewer’s Yeast.
Sidebar: When you’re thinking about giving up, just remember how happy your baby is! And read this post for a little motivation.
I still have a fear of my milk disappearing one day. Lol! I’m exaggerating but I’m also serious. Please please please, share other things that works (or worked) for you! Stay tune for #W2WWaterChallenge coming really (like this week) soon!
Until next time,
xo Kenniqua