A topic every mom hate thinking about: Going back to work!
There are so many emotions for returning to work. Some of us are simply not ready to leave our babies, some feel guilty because they’re excited to go back to work, and all the other reasons. It’s just too much to even want to think about.
When I found out I was pregnant I was going through a “I don’t know what I want to do with my life” phase at the same time. Of course I was freaking out because I’m like “I’m about to be a mom so I REALLY need to know what I want to do now”. At 6 months, I left my job to move with my husband. At that point I was even more stressed because I would be out of work for 3 months before I have the baby AND would have to wait until after I had her to get back to work. I worried about having to explain the gaps on my resume but also just being home and out of work – something I am not used to. But, the time off actually worked in my favor. I thanked God every day for being blessed to stay home and still have my bills paid and my necessities taken care of. Additionally, I also had free time to THINK.
During this time off I was able to start working towards the things I wanted to do for some time. Launching my blog and studying to take the real estate exam. Back story: I moved around so much as a child and I always felt like I never had a “home” of my own. I’ve lived with friends, family, in motels, and shelters. I just felt like I’ve been all over the place as a child and it wasn’t for traveling pleasure. Lol! So, I’ve always been interested in real estate for three reasons. 1. Because I want to know more about homes and investing before I purchase my own home 2. I’m interested in interior decorating and 3. To be a part of helping others find their dream home. I also want my children to have something to call their home and have property to leave to them.
Anywho, so during those 3 months my goal was to take the exam before Ryann got here in September. And I was able to take (and pass – woohoo!) it when I was 38 weeks pregnant. So now Ryann is here and the “so when are you going back to work” questions are coming in left and right. My baby being in daycare and missing out on these first moments was not something I wanted to think about. BUT, I also need coins if I want to do all the things I have planned for/with her too.
So of course, I get on Google and start reading blogs and articles to make me feel a little better. I found a blog from a mother who works full time and actually enjoys it. She explained how she didn’t feel bad going back to work because the same way she loved being a mom, she loved what she did, and it is okay to do both! It made me feel so much better! But, I also thought, I need to LOVE my job to feel like her too. Lol!
I figured I would just start the process of looking into childcare and visiting facilities. I only went to two, but one was actually not that bad. (I’ve decided to keep that option open for when/if I have to) After passing my exam I also had to start interviewing with some firms to figure out where I wanted to hang my license. I found one and I have to say, I really lucked out because they are baby friendly. I can pretty much do everything with Ryann and I’m extremely hype because Lord knows I cannot afford daycare right now. (And I don’t want her in there just yet anyway. Lol!)
Now I know not everyone is fortunate enough to do without daycare or even work a job you like/love. BUT something I’m constantly reminded is, your situation is (if you’re working towards what YOU want) temporary. Unfortunately, we have to work jobs that we don’t absolutely LOVE while we’re figuring out our lives. AND THAT IS OKAY! (Sometimes!) Even though I’m all for “Do what you love” I also know there’s a reality and we must do what we have to do. However, it’s important to remember that everything you’re doing now is to make a better future for you and your family and THAT is what matters!
I thought of a few things that would make the process of getting back to work after a baby go a little smoother. (Honestly, you might feel like “Nothing works. I just want to stay home with my baby!”) And I totally get that. Lol! But it’s not realistic for every individual. Below are a few tips to think about/consider when it’s time to start preparing to go back to work. If you have any other ideas/suggestions, please comment and let me know! I’m interested, and others might be too.
- Looking into childcare facilities and visiting them beforehand. We all want the best for our babies, so we have to make sure we are leaving them with the best!
- Is working from home an option? Of course, we all would LOVE to work from home. But unfortunately, we aren’t always able to. But it’s still a good idea to see if it’s an option. Even if it’s possible to start from home to gradually get back in the swing of things. It doesn’t hurt to ask!
- Working moms support. Having friends or support from other moms who are doing the same. We all have friends and family who’s there to support us but sometimes having people who can relate is even bette
- Maintaining a positive attitude. I’m a firm believer in the importance of speaking things into existence. Whether it’s bad or good, your mind is POWERFUL. Anything you tell it, it will believe. Keeping a positive attitude will help you on those days you really want to quit or give up!
- Going back to work on a Thursday or Friday. Now I know this may sound a little weird but let me explain! Lol! Starting in the middle of the week will allow you to work a day or so to see what worked for you in those few days. (Getting baby prepared in the morning, how much time it takes you to get to work from daycare, if there’s traffic, etc) It will also help because the last time you were at work, you didn’t have this small baby to keep you up at night, so you might be exhausted. Lol!
I hope these tips help some (if not all) mommies out there! I know it’s not always what we want to think about, but it’s life. It’s better to prepare for it than to put it off and go completely APESHIT (check out my APESHIT blog post by the way lol) when it’s time to go back!
As always, like, share, comment with questions or suggestions!
Hello dear! Great blog post!! I’ve been dealing with trying to figure out what to do when my baby girl arrives. I definitely agree that finding a daycare ahead of time makes the transition a lot easier. Plus, who says you can’t be a great mom and work full time? 😎
Kenniqua Howell
ThaysExactly! That’s something a lot of people forget. You can do what you love while still taking care of the one you love! Thanks so much for your feedback! 💗
Omg! This is great.
Job Hunting after Time off | West to W.I.F.E
[…] while back I wrote a post about how going back to work can be a bit stressful as a new mom. The purpose of this blog post is […]