Barcelona, Spain: Annual Friends Trip

Annual Framily Trip: #BabyBumpin’InBarcelona (I came up with this hashtag when I was 2 seconds pregnant. I was so hype I would be 5 months with a bump by the time we went on the trip LOL)

My best friends came up with the idea of doing an annual trip after they went to Amsterdam in 2017. We decided on Barcelona, Spain for year two!  At first I was nervous because I would be entering my second trimester and wasn’t sure how I would feel. But, of course they weren’t hearing it. As soon as I officially decided to go I started reading blogs and researching things for pregnant women to do in Barcelona. (I suggest researching and finding cool things to do/explore before any vacation – especially when traveling to other countries)


Some of my favorites:

  1. Cook and Taste Barcelona: A four-course cooking class. I decided to make this a “me day” so I didn’t invite my friends to sign up when I did. Lol! We made flat bread, roasted vegetables, creama catalana (similar to creme brulee) for dessert, and seafood Paella! Paella is a Spanish dish of rice that you can add seafood, chicken, pretty much anything you like. (This dish is served almost everywhere in Barcelona) The class also included unlimited wine! Although I couldn’t partake in the “unlimited” fun, I was able to try it and it was pretty tasty.
  2. La Boqueria: A market with fresh fruit, smoothies, nuts, seafood, basically EVERYTHING. We visited this market a few times because we couldn’t get enough! The fresh fruit was my absolute fav! (I tasted a dragon fruit for the first time – it was a lot prettier than it tasted lol)
  3. Las Rambles: This strip is like Ocean Drive in Miami. (In my opinion) A bunch of restaurants with Paella and sangria. On the weekends they have vendors who sell homemade jewelry, bags, and a bunch of other cool things. (I got hubby and I match bracelets with our marriage date engraved!)
  4. Gothic Quarter: If you’re anything like my friends and I, you’d definitely visit this area more than once. We spent most of our time shopping, eating, and visiting hidden/lowkey bars. I feel like all I did was eat in Barcelona. (I mean what else do you do when you’re pregnant right?) I remember this sandwich I got from Conesa Entrepans which consisted of grilled chicken, goat cheese, caramelized onions and peppers. DELICIS! (You can actually walk to/from Las Rambles from Gothic Quarter too)
  5. Barceloneta/Port Olimpic: If you like the beach or to party this is the place to be! It was pretty cold when we went but on warmer days I could definitely see this being “the spot”. (Especially for those who aren’t pregnant) This is where the casino, clubs/lounges, hookah bars, and of course restaurants are.

We visited many other tourist areas. I would definitely say this was more of an exploring/active vacation during my pregnancy. Be sure to check out Park Güell, Bunker del Carmel, and Monserrat. Although they are not listed above, these were additional places my friends and I enjoyed during our trip.

Honestly, the best part of the trip was simply enjoying each other’s time. We sang and danced through the city, we had a family dinner (that we prepared ourselves), stayed up until 4am talking and laughing, and even walked the neighborhood in the middle of the night to find food. (For me of course lol) 6 days with 7 people in one Airbnb. I know you may be wondering, how? Love, growth, and most importantly, knowing when to give each other space. That’s how! Plus, when you find a direct flight to and from another country for only $350, how could you not?

Do you have friends/family that you like to travel with? If so, when/where’s your next vacation? If not, what about a solo trip?



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